Dr James Alexander, PhD Psychologist

I am dedicated to providing professional and compassionate psychological services to assist people with overcoming the impacts of trauma, treating chronic pain, and support for sleep improvements. Since the late 1980s, I have been providing psychological services, assisting thousands of people to improve the quality of their lives. In addition to clinical services, I have written three psychology books, and have produced several guided imagery/relaxation recordings as well as You Tube presentations and interviews. The rarely mentioned reality is that no one therapist can be 'everything for everyone'- the fit between who I am as a person and any particular client remains an important factor which cannot be anticipated in advance of actually meeting. I have no ability to provide a crisis service, so if you feel you cannot wait months for an appointment, seek someone who can see you sooner than i can.



Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a treatment for psychological trauma which has attained the highest level of evidence, and is recommended by the World Health Organization as a treatment of choice for trauma. Videos- EMDR explained Part 1. EMDR explained Part 2.

Psychology books

James Alexander has authored three books, addressing the psychological treatment of chronic pain ('The Hidden Psychology of Pain'), improving sleep ('Getting the Zs You Want'), and psychological trauma ('Tendrils of Trauma'). Each book is available from Amazon.com. Read comments about the books via More Info

Multi Media- Guided Imagery/relaxation recordings, interviews and You Tube presentations

... and has created a range of media, including articles, Guided Imagery/relaxation recordings for sale as downloadable MP3 files; interviews, You Tube presentations, and workshop recordings (links provided in More Info)


Current Lismore waiting list 3 months- 18 names

Current Nimbin waiting list 2-3 months- 9 names

(only seek an appointment with me if you are willing and able to wait- otherwise, it is better to look for someone who can see you sooner)



Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a self-help strategy of tapping on acupuncture points while focusing on an issue you are wanting to address. It has research evidence in regards to a range of presenting problems, eg. anxiety, sleep problems. Clicking here will take you to Chapter 5 of 'Getting the Zs You Want: sleep sense in the 21st century', which discussed EFT in detail, as well as two links to You Tube presentations detailing the technique.



Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during my first therapy session?

During your first therapy session, we will discuss your concerns, your goals, and a treatment plan in a confidential and supportive manner.

How long does a typical therapy session last?

A typical therapy session lasts 50-60 minutes, but the duration may vary based on individual needs and treatment goals.

Do you offer online therapy sessions?

My preference is to see people in person, but under certain circumstances, on-line sessions will be considered where no other options are available. My goal is to maximize outcomes for clients- sometimes this may be served by providing on-line sessions, and at other times it may require exploring other options which may be more beneficial.



Contact us

Reach out to us today and take the first step towards a healthier and happier life.


Dr James Alexander, PhD Psychologist
Lismore/Nimbin, New South Wales, Australia

About me

I became a psychologist after being nearly killed by a drunk driver in a head-on car accident as an 18 year old. This included being trapped in the car wreck, severely injured and bleeding near to death before being freed. The ensuing psychological trauma saw me sink into the pits of despair before discovering self-help psychology books in my father’s bookshelf. From reading these, I managed to halt my psychological ‘free-fall’, and within the year decided to become a psychologist so that I could help other similarly traumatized people. I undertook the required years of study and training, and since the late 1980s, have been providing counseling/clinical services to those in need. In 2007 I was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Southern Cross University for major research and thesis in the clinical health psychology topic of psycho-social factors in the causation of illnesses (such as cancer and heart disease) and positive health.

I divide my psychology practice between Lismore (1st Floor 115 Keen St) &  Nimbin Medical Centre (35 Cullen St, Nimbin) New South Wales, Australia. With a focus on evidence-based therapy and personalized care, I am committed to helping people achieve emotional well being and resilience. I believe in creating a supportive and safe environment where people can explore their inner world, address painful traumas, and develop the insights and skills required to lead fulfilling lives. My services attract a Medicare subsidy when referred by a GP, and I am a provider for NSW Victims Services.

In broad theoretical terms, i identify with Humanistic Psychology values (with an emphasis on respecting the uniqueness of each person, having faith in each person's authority in their own lives and their ability to move towards growth and wellbeing; and an endorsement of facilitative approaches to psychological care). I remain critical and skeptical of many of the 'sacred cows' of the mental health professions, such as many of those promoted by institutional and biological psychiatry, eg. I do not think CBT is the best or only useful approach to psychological help; I object to psychiatric labels as unscientific and damaging to people; and i am dubious about the value of many biological psychiatry interventions. Such sacred cows can often be challenged on the grounds of scientific evidence (or lack thereof); physical, social and psychological damage done to people via psychiatric interventions; inadequate and incoherent theory; human rights abuses, and basic ethics (see the Power Threat Meaning Framework for an example of viable challenges and alternatives to psychiatric labels and dogma).